Hi there!

I began my fascination with art and design at a young age.  I would draw, paint, build and construct my "masterpieces" as a child.  As I grew older my creations began to have a purpose.  Labels, packaging, and print design are what drew me into the design world and it is the technical skills used in these designs that I still apply to all my work. My skill set is constantly evolving and my passion projects are shifting, but my love for marketing, art, design, color, and typography remain the same. 

After exploring marketing events and experience design I found the perfect mix of data driven iterations and pushing design to the next level while working at an in-house brand studio. I love telling brand stories and am enthusiastic about marketing that moves people to take action.

Let's work together to build creative solutions to problems we are passionate about!


Contact: hannahraudsep@gmail.com

My Guiding Principals


Aligning creative teams and stakeholders with clear goals and objectives to find the best creative solutions.


Always keeping the audience in mind and advocating for inclusive solutions that break down barriers.


Enthusiasm for leading with curiosity and a love for metrics that allows for continuous improvement and efficiency.

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